Main Content
- Bloomberg News
- The Des Moines Register
- The Dallas Morning News
- The Detroit Free Press
- The Indianapolis Star
- Iowa Newspaper Association
- Customers by Design (on behalf of The Star-Ledger in New Jersey)
- The Missoulian
- The Bakersfield Californian
- The Providence Journal
- The Boston Globe
- The San Diego Union-Tribune
- The St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- The Houston Chronicle
- The Record (in Northern New Jersey)
- The Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
- The Post-Intelligencer (Seattle)
- The American Press Institute
- The Newspaper Association of America
- The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
- The Daily Breeze (Torrance, CA)
- Iowa Freedom of Information Council
Media Appearances
- Bloomberg TV
- ABC News
- PBS NewsHour
- CBS News
- NBC News
- Fox News
- The Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- SwissTV
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- WHO-Radio
Public Libraries
- Public Libraries of Des Moines
- Iowa City Public Library
- San Antonio Public Libraries
- Grace A. Dow Memorial Library of Midland, Michigan
- Environmental Law and Policy Center
- Public Leadership Institute
- Iowa Tobacco Prevention Alliance
- Child and Family Policy Center
- America's Renewable Future
- Des Moines Business Education Alliance
- AARP of Iowa
- PolicyWorks
- LINKStrategies
- Digital Brinq
- The Petroleum Marketing Association
- Iowa Taxpayers Association
- Iowa Freedom of Information Council
- Environmental Law & Policy Center
- Jobs First 2012
- BrownWinick (Brown, Winick, Graves, Gross, Baskerville and Schoenebaum, P.L.C.)
- Strategic Elements (on behalf of Partnership for a New American Economy)
- Iowa Policy Project
- Des Moines Development
- Schools First
- The State Public Policy Group
- ZLR Ignition
- McLellan Marketing Group
- Daley Solutions
- Customers by Design
- Advocacy Strategies
- UnityPoint Health System (with ZLRIgnition)
- Mary Greeley Medical Center
- Des Moines University
- Partnership for Better Health
- Iowa Chronic Care Consortium
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Iowa Rural Health Association
- Iowa Caregivers Association
- The Iowa Department of Public Health
- Polk County Health Services
- Iowa Health Systems
- Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa
- The Better Jobs/Better Care Coalition
Financial Industry
- Bankers Trust
- Foster Group
- West Bank
- Wells Fargo
- The Members Group
- Veerkloh
- Principal Financial Group
- Premier Credit Union
- Iowa Credit Union League
- Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
- Iowa Public Employee Retirement System
- Iowa Outdoors
- Iowa Heritage Illustrated
- Education Week
- Better Homes and Gardens
- Country Home
- Midwest Living
- Ladies Home Journal
- Country Gardens
- Traditional Home
- Sony Style
- RealWoman
- Family Money
- Mature Outlook
- Crayola Kids
- Home Security
- Country America
- Best Weekend Drives
Real Estate
- McLellan Marketing Group (on behalf of Iowa Association of REALTORS©)
- Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate
- Principal Residential Mortgage
- Fareway Stores
- The Stelter Company
- Variety Club of Iowa
- Intuit, Inc. (Software)
- Fampus
- Hang Ten (Beachwear)
- Red 5 Interactive
- Iowa Citizen's Aide/Ombudsman
- Equality in the Courts Task Force
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- Ankeny Art Center
- Variety—The Children's Charity
- Denver University
- Vanderbilt University
- Western Kentucky University
- Iowa State Education Association
- Des Moines University
- Iowa State University
- Marquette University
- Briar Cliff College
- Grinnell Middle School
- Iowa Department of Education
- Saydel School District
- Learning Point Associates
- Daley Solutions (on behalf of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)